MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating Repair’

Our Personal Tips to Avoid Furnace Repair

Monday, February 10th, 2020

We know, why would your local HVAC contractor be giving you tips to avoid furnace repair? Isn’t that how we make our money?

While we do make a living providing heating repairs, we’d rather perform the heater repairs that are unavoidable than force one of our community members to pay for a fix that could have easily been avoided! So, take this blog post as a little bit of charity while we tell you some of our own personal tips on how to maintain your furnace and eventually avoid frequent repairs.

Furnace repair in Verona, NJ can be expensive! So make sure that when you need to call a professional technician, it’s for a good reason that you’ve done everything in your power to help by yourself.

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To Repair or Replace: Furnace Trouble

Monday, December 16th, 2019

Furnaces don’t last forever. Though, you probably don’t need us telling you that.

The problem with an aging furnace is the fuzzy line between repairing a small issue and taking that issue as a sign that your furnace should be replaced. Most homeowners don’t know whether it would be more cost-effective to repair the issue and keep their old and reliable furnace, or start looking into affordable replacement solutions that will last another decade or two. We don’t blame them, it’s a hard decision to make and often requires professional help.

That’s where we come in! When it comes to furnace repair in Verona, NJ we’ve seen everything under the sun. So, with our expert knowledge in the field, we can give you some pointers as to whether or not it’s about time to start looking into replacing your aging furnace.

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Common Causes for Furnace Repairs

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Furnaces are the most common and reliable heating system found throughout the United States. That being said, no HVAC system is perfect, and if you’re the owner of a forced-air system like a furnace, then you’re probably going to run into one of these issues at some point. These problems can range anywhere from something as terrible as a gas leak to just a pilot light needing to be lit.

So, we figured we’d list out the most common problems we come across when we deal with furnaces. That way, when you smell gas or are dealing with high heating bills, you’ve got some information to signal what might be wrong with your heater. Then, you can estimate what it will cost to get it fixed and make the decision as quickly as possible.

Don’t thank us, just keep reading to learn more about your forced-air heater problems.

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Which Heating System Needs the Least Repairs?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

infloor-heatingThere are many costs involved with running a heating system. Installation is just the first cost. After that, you’ll need to think about the cost to run it every month—this is where a high-efficiency model can really make a difference.

Then, there’s the cost of maintenance and repairs. We suggest getting annual maintenance in order to severely reduce the occurrence of repair issues. But even with maintenance, there’s a slim chance that the heater will suffer from a repair issue at some point during its life.

Ultimately, this might lead a homeowner to ask: Which heating system will require the least number of heating repairs in Livingston, NJ?

From a purely technical standpoint, that heater would have to be the radiant heating system. Allow us to explain.

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Common Issues in Gas Furnaces and Fireplaces

Monday, February 11th, 2019

gas-furnace-interiorWhen it comes to gas-burning heaters, they share several of the same components. Likewise, they also share several of the same common repair issues. We’re looking at gas furnaces and gas fireplaces in particular in this post. Since working with gas can be dangerous, always get in touch with a professional if you notice any worrisome problems.

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No Heat From Your Furnace? Here’s Why

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

cold-man-checks-thermostatLet’s say that, on one chilly winter afternoon, you turn on your furnace. But then, the worst thing happens. The air that’s coming out of the vents isn’t hot! Or worse, there’s no air at all!

There are few furnace issues more annoying than that which renders your furnace useless. But don’t worry—airflow problems are usually far from being catastrophic. In this post, we’ll go over what causes air flow issues and what you can do about them.

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Don’t Wait to Take Care of these Furnace Problems!

Monday, April 23rd, 2018


With the weather warming, your heating system is going to be seeing less and less use in the next few weeks until you finally turn it off in favor of the air conditioner until next fall. That makes now an excellent time to check your system for problems, especially if your furnace is older. Once the warranty expires, the cost of repairs tends to rise since the original components are no longer required. Wear and tear will eventually take their toll as well, and if your older furnace needs repairs, the sooner you can spot the issue the better.

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4 Surprising Reasons for a Furnace Repair

Monday, January 29th, 2018

filter-vent-technicianWhen a furnace stops heating a home, many homeowners hope for the best. “I think the thermostat is broken,” they may say, hoping a quick calibration or rewiring will do the trick. Others jump to the worst-case scenario: “I think it may need to be replaced.”

These are both things that can and do happen. However, it’s often not what the homeowner expects. In fact, some of the things that cause a furnace to break down or function incorrectly may surprise you! Here are four things you may not realize could cause failures with your heating system.

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4 Things to Try before Calling for Heating Repairs

Monday, January 30th, 2017

thermostat-heating-repairA broken heating system can be frustrating, but what’s just as frustrating is finding out that you could solve the problem on your own—after you’ve already called in a technician. This happens fairly often. Our professional heating technicians show up to a job, only to have to break it to the homeowner that there was a simple fix they missed.

Most repairs are things that should only be left up to professional heating technicians. However, these are a few of the things you can look at or try before giving us a call.

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Take Care of Heating Repairs Today!

Monday, September 12th, 2016

If you’ve got problems with your heater, there’s no time to wait. What technicians call “heating season” is coming up fast. If you’ve noticed problems with your heating system—or even if you haven’t noticed any problems yet—it’s time to call in your local HVAC technicians! We explain more in the short guide below.

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