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7 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair


When your air conditioner is having a rough time, it’s important to get it serviced as soon as possible. This will help keep any problems small, and avoid consequences like damage to the compressor and sky-high electric bills that can happen when an air conditioner is struggling. But that means you need to notice right away that a problem is happening.

How can you tell that your air conditioner needs repair? Here are some key signs. If you notice any of these, get AC repair from a qualified technician.

1: Noises

Do you hear any sound at all that your air conditioner hasn’t always made? Well, it shouldn’t be doing that. A buzz, bang, rattle, click, bubble, hiss, or anything else besides the gentle hum of the compressor and whoosh of the fan is a problem that requires central air conditioning repair in Cedar Grove, NJ.

2: Odors

Air conditioners should be odorless. Certain problems can produce odors like mildew, sourness, hot dust, melting plastic, or even fish. Any of these require repair. In particular, if your air conditioner smells of anything hot, melting, or fishy, it’s a sign of electrical fire. Turn it off and get professional assistance before using it again.

3: Short Cycling

Does your air conditioner start and stop very often? It should only do this a few times an hour. If it’s happening every few minutes, that’s called short cycling. This is both a symptom of another problem, perhaps a refrigerant leak or airflow blockage, and also a cause of other potential problems, like overheating and compressor failure.

4: Rising Utility Bills

Because many AC issues cause the unit to have to work harder as it tries to get the job done, they will force the air conditioner to use more and more energy. If your thermostat is set the same and you haven’t gotten any new energy-sucking appliances, your electric bill should not get higher each month.

5: Poor Distribution

Hot spots? Cold spots? Uneven distribution of the AC’s cooled air is a sign that something is definitely wrong. Don’t just use a fan to try to blow the cool air to where you want it. Get repair before the problem gets worse.

6: Total Shutdown

If this happens, you’ll know right away that you’ve got a problem. Do you need to get a technician out there ASAP? Check a few things first. Did the system trip a circuit breaker? Was your thermostat accidentally bumped into, leaving it on the wrong setting or programming? If not, contact us for prompt repair to restore your AC’s cooling power.

7: Moisture

Finally, if you spot any signs that there’s moisture where there shouldn’t be, get repairs before you end up with serious water damage to your home. Dripping, water stains, or mold growth should always be taken seriously.

If you notice any of these signs, or if you have any questions about your air conditioner, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. today with AC concerns or any questions about your HVAC system!

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