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10 AC Efficiency Tips

10 Tips? Did you hear that right? How can there be that many air conditioning tips to increase efficiency, longevity, and the overall health of your system? Well, take it from your local HVAC contractor that there are probably even more tips out there! Best practices and DIY tips exist in many forms, whether it’s home improvement, keeping your car in good shape, or even helping your comfort systems keep you happy.

The most important aspect to remember when it comes to AC efficiency is taking the right person’s word. If you listen to an amateur talk about air conditioning repair in Wayne, NJ, then you’re likely going to get a whole different set of ideas. Our team is licensed and certified to talk about this type of work, so our tips are bound to keep your system healthy and happy.

Let’s Get Started!

Don’t feel overwhelmed. Take this list and post it on your fridge to take it one step at a time. The closer you get towards AC efficiency, the less you’ll have to call us!

1. Don’t Work Your AC Too Hard

Temperatures can only realistically be cooled no more than 20 degrees below what it’s like outside. If temperatures are 90 degrees outdoors, don’t try to get the indoor temperatures cooler than 70. Otherwise, your AC will work too hard for very little results.

2. Notice Noises

Aside from a slight clicking and the sound of air whooshing through the vents, your AC shouldn’t make any noises. If it does, it could be a sign that something is working inefficiently.

3. Notice Smells

Smells can be a great way to notice that there’s a condensate drain clog or some other leak that’s occurring due to inefficiency. Get this addressed as soon as possible.

4. Replace the Air Filter

The air filter of your air conditioner should be replaced every 1-3 months. This helps keep it running at peak efficiency.

5. Keep Vents Clear

How is the air supposed to get into your home, cool it down, and activate the thermostat sensor when your vents are blocked? Make sure all your air vents are clear

6. Run Your Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans can be a great way to ease the burden on your air conditioner. Just one running ceiling fan can lower temperatures by a few degrees at a fraction of the energy cost an AC requires.

7. Use Your Blinds or Curtains

Blinds or curtains can help stop the sunlight from entering your home and heating things up even more.

8. Invest in a Dehumidifier

Your air conditioner might dehumidify your air, but it’s not meant to do that more than a little bit. Investing in a dehumidifier can help ease the burden on your AC and lessen energy consumption.

9. Keep the Area Clean

Your outdoor air conditioner cabinet needs proper space to vent the heat. If it’s constantly covered in debris, pebbles, dust, and even inhabited by critters, you’ll see a dramatic decrease in efficiency.

10. Sign Up for Maintenance

Maintenance can be one of the best ways to ensure the maximum efficiency of your air conditioner. Be sure to schedule this once a year for proper AC care!

The team at MarGo Plumbing Heating Cooling Inc. has your back. Call us today!

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